Who is this child and what did she do with my daughter?
So I have a "Teenager" well she's 13, but she thinks she is now an adult because she is now a number that ends with the word teen. Now I don't know how many of you realize this but I think when a girl turns 13 they are taken over by evil pod people whose job it is to drive us crazy until we are put in white jackets that get tied around our waist, first of all it's a fashion don't, but let me get back to the issue at hand. This child who used to be so sweet and want to do everything with you has now become a nightmare to live with, oops did that sound mean, sorry to those of you that have the perfect child who is not there yet, but just wait it will happen, oh and while I am on the subject of the perfect child, I don't believe you for a moment when you say your child does everything they are supposed to unless.......they are Stepford children. Back to my rant so my 13 year old has informed me that she doesn't think she should be grounded, EVER, really m...