
Showing posts from December, 2013
Sing, Sing A Song I was sitting in the car with the window open and singing , loudly might I add, and noticed the hot man in the Mercedes next to me was staring at, so immediately I thought " Wow he thinks I'm cute, I smiled and continued to sing when I realized his window was open and he was not staring at me because of my looks, although I think I look pretty good, he was staring at me while I was singing because I was singing so bad. Now I used to be a pretty good singer in the day but lack of practice and ear issues and oh never mind my voice has changed so singing has become one of the skills I no longer have. After he drove off with a smirk I made two decisions 1) I would keep my vocals confined to the privacy of my shower where only my dogs and I could hear for the time being. AND!! 2) I would get my old voice back by taking voice lessons so if I ever did sing in my car again people would stare at me because they thought I was Beyonce, well minus the good

The Good, The Bad The OMG!!!

I'm just going to start by saying " What were you thinking?" I am looking at something that is totally creeping me out. I wonder if you looked in the mirror and thought " wow I look great today" Now before you go and judge me... Don't! I am not trying to be mean, in fact I want to pull you aside, away from the smirking passersby and say SNAP OUT OF IT! The 80's are over and since that hair and makeup didn't work then, it surely won't work now.  So I made my approach like a lion in the   Serengeti. I slowly walked over thinking carefully about what I was going to say so as to not insult you too much. I feel it's my calling to help you, I mean after all we are sisters in a way, well okay we have the same mom so we really are sisters, but if I come straight out and give you my opinion you will take it oh so personally. So here goes my beauty and fashion rules that every sister whether by blood or not should follow. Think of makeup as an acc