The Good, The Bad The OMG!!!

I'm just going to start by saying " What were you thinking?" I am looking at something that is totally creeping me out. I wonder if you looked in the mirror and thought " wow I look great today" Now before you go and judge me... Don't! I am not trying to be mean, in fact I want to pull you aside, away from the smirking passersby and say SNAP OUT OF IT! The 80's are over and since that hair and makeup didn't work then, it surely won't work now. 
So I made my approach like a lion in the Serengeti. I slowly walked over thinking carefully about what I was going to say so as to not insult you too much. I feel it's my calling to help you, I mean after all we are sisters in a way, well okay we have the same mom so we really are sisters, but if I come straight out and give you my opinion you will take it oh so personally. So here goes my beauty and fashion rules that every sister whether by blood or not should follow.
Think of makeup as an accessory always take off 2 items before you leave the house. If you are wearing red lipstick stay away from that dark Smokey eye, I mean for crying out loud it is 10 A.M. do you want to scare the children on the streets.
Now for my favorite picks:
The new BB creams are great they smooth your skin without looking like a mask. My favorite is one by L'Oreal called Magic skin beautifier, I don't know about you but they had me at magic and I can tell you as the Queen of all beauty products I have tried many but this one really does what it says. I tested it out after a long night of.... well never mind what I was doing just suffice to say my skin was not at its best when I got up, but after a little bit of the L'Oreal BB cream I looked A-MAZING if I must say so myself, although someone did say I looked marvelous so there you go a stranger said my skin looked great. 
Mascara is another one of my pet peeves, I mean bad mascara is. Have you ever seen the person who has mascara on but it looks like they have 4 big lashes instead of many lashes. It is a mystery as to what these woman do to make their lashes look like spider, but let's stop this madness, there are so many great mascara's out there from the Famous Pink & green tube to the shiny gold YSL mascara. My pick on mascara is actually a 3 way tie. 
1) Dior show mascara!! Need I say more "DIOR and Mascara" in the same sentence first of all anytime I can buy anything Dior without breaking the bank I am a very happy girl. I have to say I truly love this mascara it makes my lashing look like I have false lashes when I don't. 
2) Lancôme Hypnos mascara a great way to look like I have mega of lashes. A dual action brush. Oops I'm sounding like a commercial. 
3) L'Oreal Butterfly Lashes mascara for the budget minded or like me right now financially challenged, this mascara is my new best friend. 
So there you have it my picks for the day and you don't even have to feel pressured to buy anything for me for my advice although that being said if you want to buy me something my address is.........
If you are among the many who are makeup challenged a great place to start to learn the basics of makeup is a book by Kevin Aucoin called "Making Faces" the best investment anyone who uses cosmetics will ever make. 
Until next time my fellow Glamazons have a Mahvelous day!!


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