You don't have to be a Star Baby, to get your foot in the door.

So I am moving on to the next step in helping your child to achieve their dream of becoming a Star.

Some people are just born with the "it" factor some have to learn it, and the rest may never get to that point, but my point is to help you try to get your child close enough that they will have some kind of chance to try to make it in Hollywood..

The first thing that needs to happen is your child has to get some sort of acting experience, and no I don't mean when they are being dramatic to get their way, a good acting class and a part in the school play can be a beginning, because as you know a full resume can pave your way faster than a resume that says Acting experience: singing for Aunt Helga at her dinner table, not that there is anything wrong with that but.... it's probably not gonna impress anyone but her.
There are many Performing Art Studios, but if you sign your child up at one, make sure they are goal oriented so they can help your child in a positive way. Being able to dance and sing is a vital talent these days since there is so much competition in the acting world and a triple threat always beats a single one..

Headshots: if your child is not necessarily photogenic, don't worry there are ways around that if you find a good photographer, but stay away from the listing in the phone book that says pet or landscape photography or you will end up with a photo of Mr. Ed on a farm instead of your child looking like a model.

So now your child has a resume and a headshot now what, well that's where the fun begins because unless your brother is Spike Lee or Steven Spielberg you have alot of work ahead of you, so where do you go from here you ask? Well I'll tell you, fly across country to California, unless you already live there and in that case, your one step ahead of most; anyway it is the place to be if you want to be on T.V. or Film.

A major achievement in the world of acting is scoring an Agent and or Manager, since it is really hard to get seen for an audition without one, now this is the tricky part, you cannot just call an Agent and get an appointment unless you know someone in the business, but since most people don't you must be persistent. Send out your child’s headshots and resume to as many agents as you can and wait for one to call but your child might be an adult by the time that happens, so your best bet is to follow up your mailing with a phone call, but be prepared, don't call from January through May or early in the morning, if you want to have chance to get an appointment don't be a nuisance, you will likely be talking to the receptionist, so remember she is the inroad to all your contact so schmooze away. Don't give up if you don't get an appointment right of the bat, as sometimes it can take many calls to get one appointment, and even after you get one they might turn your child down,like I said you must be persistent and don't give up it will happen.

In the meantime while you are in L.A. start looking for a good acting coach because beside being able to teach your child acting skills, they can prove to be a good link into the world of acting, and remember you are as important in getting your child their dream as they are, in other words make sure both of you are at your best whether at an interview for a manager, agent or an audition even in the elevator on the way because as the old show goes "when you least expect it, your elected, your the star today, smile your on candid camera" and you want to be the parent that they want to have around if they hire your child not the parent who can end your child's career with a bad attitude.

TaTa for now, and stay tuned for my next episode dealing with "So now you have an Agent"

Check out my valuable links for acting books and more


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