Take your money and run.... the other way that is!

Hi everyone I am giving you some advice I wish I had learned a long time ago.
Don't let a friend take advantage of you, sounds pretty simple Right? Well I am here to tell you it is not as easy as you think.
Scenario 1:
Enter left stage your friend (or the Psycho as you will soon find out.)
Me: Hi friend what's new?
Friend: Nothing can I borrow 300 bucks?
Me: (Pondering this question) Ummm well I am sorta broke, why do you need 300 bucks? 
Friend: I am too (but my needs are more important so I will make you feel like sh*t until you say yes) I spent all my money on ….fill in the blank and now I can't afford my electric, water, food (you name it) 
Me: (with the big S for sucker on my forehead) well I guess I can lend it to you but when can you pay me back? I mean if you need the money won’t you be short again when you pay me?
 (now in my head I should have known the answer to that one But…)
Friend: I promise I will be able to pay you in the next two weeks.
Me: Ok here you go.
Now the moral of my story is you will NEVER get paid back! So if you are like me don’t do it, like I stated in the beginning this is where the Psycho part comes in.
2 months later
Me: (After calling for two weeks ) Hi friend I really need the money you borrowed back, my tire blew and I need to replace it.
Friend: Oh sorry I am leaving for the Bahamas this week and I don’t have money to spare, besides I thought you were my friend why are you harassing me for money. I told you I would pay it back, but I can’t right now.
Me: Are you kidding me, your going on vacation with my money?
Friend: Why are you being such a bietch, it's not a lot of money and if you were really my friend you wouldn’t ask me for the money back. If that’s the way you are I am not your friend anymore and I am not going to pay you back.
Me: Wow are you really going there? I was helping you.

And so it goes you lost a friend and your money all in a moment of insanity

The moral of the story is avoid lending money to a friend at all costs cause if you do 9 times out of ten it is going to be considered a gift and you have now become a benefactor for the needy ooops I mean your ex-friend..

Remember when your friend says those 4 dreaded words, excuse yourself and run as fast as you can, and don't look back., When she calls you later that night to find out why you left so quick, mumble something about the new sofa you were getting delivered and she may just skip asking you for money. 
Or maybe not............. 


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