
Showing posts from July, 2011

Movies On Blueray

I am so tired of going to the theater to watch a movie, that costs me more money than I make an hour,  paying 40 bucks for snacks, and then ending up in the only seat that has a broken back when there is no other seats available, and to top it off I usually end up next the guy who talks in the movie on one side, the texting girl on the other and the kid behind me who keeps insisting on kicking my seat. So I decided I am now going to wait to see these movies and buy them when they come out on Bluray and with the money I saved buying movies on Blueray  I can now afford to buy a new TV to put in my home theater. Ok I am really not exaggerating I mean have you ever gone to the movies with your kids and husband, first of all the kids each want to bring friends, they all want candy and popcorn and then everyone is sayin “I’m hungry"  when we leave so it's on to a restaurant to feed them all there goes another Hundred bucks. Now to my suggestions of some videos that I love: Crimina

Skinny, and Rich and I am not a Betch !!!

So you know how when you were younger you could eat whatever you wanted and you would always burn off the calories? I always thought hey I can eat whatever, whenever...  ooops my mistake, I looked in the mirror a month ago and said "Yikes" did someone trick me and put a circus mirror in my room. I mean I know I used to spend 3 hours a day in the Gym, but who has time with 2 kids, so of course all the chocolate has to go somewhere. Who was that looking back at me, I felt like I was in a horror movie and I was the star, they could have called the Movie "Shamu wears Prada"  Ok so I am over exaggerating but I was bigger than I have ever been so I started on my quest to lose weight, I hiked the hills, yes I really did, for my friends who will say the only place I would ever hike to is Saks Fifth Ave, or Bloomie’s,  ran around the neighborhood, & rode a bike all while wearing my best and hair and makeup done of course, for those of you who don't know me I don'

free no deposit bingo B-I-N-G-O Nah S-H-O-P now were talking

If there were ever a word that would send chills down my spine it would be BINGO, or Closed on the door of Saks Fifth Ave but that’s a whole different story. You see my mom was the Queen of BINGO if there was a bingo hall within a ten mile radius she would find it, and invite me to go with her “yikes” or as Velma would say “Jinkies” however you want to say it was scary for me. I would beg and plead for her to try something more fun like say…shopping but nooooo she had to go to bingo and make me come with her. Now don’t get me wrong I loved to spend time with my mom but at a bingo hall was not the place.   How I wish they had no deposit bingo   back then, I mean I could have set my mom up on the computer and she could have yelled “kill the caller” all she wanted and no one would hear but me and her of course.  There would be plenty of room for her bingo good luck charms and Chotchkie s and no need for 25 or more bingo cards. I think she would have really enjoyed playing, no deposit bin

Why are you taking a chance on a bad Hair month?

It's a disaster. Everyone is making fun of me ... and my hair looks like it had better days. And why did this happen? Because ... again, I've failed to follow my own rules. I mean really I am a cosmetologist so what was I thinking. So for those of you who want to follow in my footsteps I’m gonna give you some advice: . Have a plan with directions before starting. If you will just adjust a little bit here, and adjust a little bit there ... your haircut will look like it had a fight with a pigeon who thought your hair was a nest. Have a photo with a picture (preferably from multiple angles) with the look you desire. Don't skip this step. Really, even if you know what you want, it's best to have a picture in front of you. Because if you have no idea where you are going you will be lost and that is where the trouble starts. Never try a haircut that doesn't fit your head shape, Unless you want to look like Spongebob or Pinhead. You look at a picture of the new