Why are you taking a chance on a bad Hair month?

It's a disaster. Everyone is making fun of me ... and my hair looks like it had better days.

And why did this happen? Because ... again, I've failed to follow my own rules. I mean really I am a cosmetologist so what was I thinking. So for those of you who want to follow in my footsteps I’m gonna give you some advice:

Have a plan with directions before starting. If you will just adjust a little bit here, and adjust a little bit there ... your haircut will look like it had a fight with a pigeon who thought your hair was a nest.

Have a photo with a picture (preferably from multiple angles) with the look you desire. Don't skip this step. Really, even if you know what you want, it's best to have a picture in front of you. Because if you have no idea where you are going you will be lost and that is where the trouble starts.

Never try a haircut that doesn't fit your head shape, Unless you want to look like Spongebob or Pinhead.

You look at a picture of the new pixie haircuts that are all the rave of the celebrities, you decide I can do that look without a mirror, but when you do it you look like Mia Farrow did in Rosemary’ s Baby, Scary!!! I know what some of you are thinking but really it is not an attractive haircut, I’m just sayin. So unless you seek a professional who can guide you in this look avoid it.

Which brings me to the next revelation if you do any of the above and keep cutting you will eventually look like Demi Moore did in GI Jane, but you  might look more like Joe. Since not many women can pull this look off.

What to avoid:

Square face shapes: one length bobs and blunt cut bangs. I mean unless you are doing an ad for Dutchboy paint or you have a part in the three stooges as Moe.

Oval face shapes: short layers that add height on the top of your head, again can you say Pinhead.

Heart shape faces: short haircuts, well I just heard they might make another remake of Alice in Wonderland so you can always audition for the part of Queen of Hearts.
But…. Chances of getting the part are slim so don’t chance it.
Oblong faces: not to worry you probably have a beautiful face, great body and a rich boyfriend, so no matter what your haircut looks like it won’t matter.

The only other alternative I would suggest is stop being so cheap and splurge on a real haircut so you can go out of your house without looking like a CIA operative disguised by a wig and hat.

And that my dear ladies is my hair advice for you.
Don’t even get me started on why you shouldn’t color your hair at home.
HMMMM I think that will be my next blog.

Till next time have a great hair day!!!!


  1. Great advice!!! Now, if only I listened, I wouldn't look like the little Dutch boy from the ads!!!


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