
Showing posts from 2011

Shopping Tips from a pro

So with the holidays coming up I am going to give you my last minute shopping tips, yes I know it is 9 days before Christmas but I am a great shopper when I am under pressure. Do not under any circumstance think that a gift card is an acceptable gift, I don't care what they say on the T.V. commercial you saw, the only thing a gift card says is, "I waited till the last minute to get you a gift.' There are many gifts you can put together last minute, for example, for the movie lover get a metal bucket or one of the plastic Popcorn buckets and fill it with microwave popcorn, boxes of candy and a couple of DVD'S. Bam you have a great gift.  Is there a male in your life that tells you "I'll like anything you get me" and then you are more bewildered than before, how about a man basket, filled with chips, salsa, beer, nuts, tickets to a sporting event, coffee travel mug, you get the idea.. Do you have a teenage Fashionista in your life that is picky? How abo

Stage Moms and how to avoid them!

So I am now full swing into the world of acting and everything that goes along with it, and no it is not me that is acting it is my kids,   jeez what we won't do for our kids, for example the other day I was sitting on a set while my 8 year old was acting and the ultimate stage mom came walking over, you know the one, she looks like she just came from Sephora after trying on every bit of makeup they sell, she had so much perfume on, my eyes watered and her heels were so high I thought I was gonna see a weeble that wobbled but did fall down, well I say weeble cause she was as round as one, now before you think I am mean, I really am not, but it was a funny site so what else could I think, anyway I am sitting there thinking c'mon you are there for your kid do you really think a producer is going to look at you and say that's it Mr Scorses I found our next Angelina Jolie,   NOT!! Back to my point, I see her coming straight at me and I start to cringe, yikes what should I do?

Great Scott, who is that girl that's freaking out

So it's that time of the year again..... FLU Shots. My day started innocently enough, spa, mani -pedi, a quiet lunch with my friends and a great day at the mall, oh who am I kidding that was someone else's life, my day began, with temperatures so hot I thought I was in a sauna, a broken nail, a pop-tart for lunch and doing laundry, that was followed by being a school teacher watching my kids doing school, driving from one end of LA to another for auditions and listening to the Drama of the day and I don't mean from the kids . Back to my day, so after my busy morning my  13 year old Alyssa asked me to get her something to clear up her skin, I gave her my advice and she said thanks mom but can we go to the Doctor to get real medical advice on how to get rid of "the sandpaper on my skin", her words, not mine, "I swear" I took her to the drug store Clinic to get her issue resolved, and then the Doctor says the words every kid dreads, "it's ti

Me and my camera, get that funny shot every time.

So I moved out to California last year, well maybe moved is not the right word, You see I am a bit of a nomad these day, which by the way, why are these people called nomads anyway?  Doesn't world traveler sound so much better? Since they just go from City to City,, oops off track, anyway, I am in between homes. Since both of my kids decided they want to be actors we spend half the year in California half in Florida and when they drive me crazy I live in a "New York State of mind," Cause the only place I want to be is back in New York As the song goes " Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue"  but I try to make the best of it by taking lots of Pictures with my   Canon s 95   camera, which I always keep handy especially in California since there are many things that can only be explained with a photo, such as the photo above, how would I ever paint a picture of this unusual sight of my daughter Madison and a man named Madison who loved Hello Kitty, Gold Lam

Where in the World is that crazy dog Brooklyn?


Take your money and run.... the other way that is!

Hi everyone I am giving you some advice I wish I had learned a long time ago. Don't let a friend take advantage of you, sounds pretty simple Right? Well I am here to tell you it is not as easy as you think. Scenario 1: Enter left stage your friend (or the Psycho as you will soon find out.) Me: Hi friend what's new? Friend: Nothing can I borrow 300 bucks? Me: (Pondering this question) Ummm well I am sorta broke, why do you need 300 bucks?  Friend: I am too (but my needs are more important so I will make you feel like sh*t until you say yes) I spent all my money on ….fill in the blank and now I can't afford my electric, water, food (you name it)  Me: (with the big S for sucker on my forehead) well I guess I can lend it to you but when can you pay me back? I mean if you need the money won’t you be short again when you pay me?   (now in my head I should have known the answer to that one But…) Friend: I promise I will be able to pay you in the next two weeks. Me: Ok here you go

Hooked on the 9 Lives of Chloe King

Well, I didn't really mean to start watching the show the 9 Lives of Chloe King. It was just one of those things that started happening and before I could really stop it, I was really into it. So every Tuesday night since then, I've been watching the show after Pretty Little Liars goes off. I guess that I could blame Pretty Little Liars for it. I'm usually not into sci-fi stuff like that, but the character Chloe is so likable! So after I started watching it, I decided to do a little more research on the background of these actors in it. While I was looking that up, I came across the site . I showed it to my roommates and we decided to change over our home internet service to it. I accidentally ran across some spoilers for  9 lives of Chloe King , but they included Chloe getting together with the guy who's supposed to watch over her. But that was pretty obvious because she can't kiss normal boys without killing them!

Movies On Blueray

I am so tired of going to the theater to watch a movie, that costs me more money than I make an hour,  paying 40 bucks for snacks, and then ending up in the only seat that has a broken back when there is no other seats available, and to top it off I usually end up next the guy who talks in the movie on one side, the texting girl on the other and the kid behind me who keeps insisting on kicking my seat. So I decided I am now going to wait to see these movies and buy them when they come out on Bluray and with the money I saved buying movies on Blueray  I can now afford to buy a new TV to put in my home theater. Ok I am really not exaggerating I mean have you ever gone to the movies with your kids and husband, first of all the kids each want to bring friends, they all want candy and popcorn and then everyone is sayin “I’m hungry"  when we leave so it's on to a restaurant to feed them all there goes another Hundred bucks. Now to my suggestions of some videos that I love: Crimina

Skinny, and Rich and I am not a Betch !!!

So you know how when you were younger you could eat whatever you wanted and you would always burn off the calories? I always thought hey I can eat whatever, whenever...  ooops my mistake, I looked in the mirror a month ago and said "Yikes" did someone trick me and put a circus mirror in my room. I mean I know I used to spend 3 hours a day in the Gym, but who has time with 2 kids, so of course all the chocolate has to go somewhere. Who was that looking back at me, I felt like I was in a horror movie and I was the star, they could have called the Movie "Shamu wears Prada"  Ok so I am over exaggerating but I was bigger than I have ever been so I started on my quest to lose weight, I hiked the hills, yes I really did, for my friends who will say the only place I would ever hike to is Saks Fifth Ave, or Bloomie’s,  ran around the neighborhood, & rode a bike all while wearing my best and hair and makeup done of course, for those of you who don't know me I don'

free no deposit bingo B-I-N-G-O Nah S-H-O-P now were talking

If there were ever a word that would send chills down my spine it would be BINGO, or Closed on the door of Saks Fifth Ave but that’s a whole different story. You see my mom was the Queen of BINGO if there was a bingo hall within a ten mile radius she would find it, and invite me to go with her “yikes” or as Velma would say “Jinkies” however you want to say it was scary for me. I would beg and plead for her to try something more fun like say…shopping but nooooo she had to go to bingo and make me come with her. Now don’t get me wrong I loved to spend time with my mom but at a bingo hall was not the place.   How I wish they had no deposit bingo   back then, I mean I could have set my mom up on the computer and she could have yelled “kill the caller” all she wanted and no one would hear but me and her of course.  There would be plenty of room for her bingo good luck charms and Chotchkie s and no need for 25 or more bingo cards. I think she would have really enjoyed playing, no deposit bin

Why are you taking a chance on a bad Hair month?

It's a disaster. Everyone is making fun of me ... and my hair looks like it had better days. And why did this happen? Because ... again, I've failed to follow my own rules. I mean really I am a cosmetologist so what was I thinking. So for those of you who want to follow in my footsteps I’m gonna give you some advice: . Have a plan with directions before starting. If you will just adjust a little bit here, and adjust a little bit there ... your haircut will look like it had a fight with a pigeon who thought your hair was a nest. Have a photo with a picture (preferably from multiple angles) with the look you desire. Don't skip this step. Really, even if you know what you want, it's best to have a picture in front of you. Because if you have no idea where you are going you will be lost and that is where the trouble starts. Never try a haircut that doesn't fit your head shape, Unless you want to look like Spongebob or Pinhead. You look at a picture of the new

Do you want to make extra $$$

      I am the biggest skeptic, so if you tell me the sky is blue I am going to look up before I say"your right it is", so when a friend told me he was making money online I was like, Bull Sh*T Get Outta Town.      I decided to go online to check it out for myself and I found some sites I want to share with you, no they are not the ones that say "you can make 5,000 dollars a day, because if that was true why aren't those people on some Tropical Island drinking Margarita's and waiting for the Cabana boy to bring them lunch, I'll tell you why, it just isn't that easy, but there are ways to make money online, so I am going to get you started on some sites I have found to be legit, now don't go quitting your job just yet, like I said there is no way you are going to make enough money to stay at home and eat Bon Bons doing this, but it will throw some extra cash in your pocket to buy a new outfit or two, and who knows, maybe if you start doing this enough

You don't have to be a Star Baby, to get your foot in the door.

So I am moving on to the next step in helping your child to achieve their dream of becoming a Star. Some people are just born with the "it" factor some have to learn it, and the rest may never get to that point, but my point is to help you try to get your child close enough that they will have some kind of chance to try to make it in Hollywood.. The first thing that needs to happen is your child has to get some sort of acting experience, and no I don't mean when they are being dramatic to get their way, a good acting class and a part in the school play can be a beginning, because as you know a full resume can pave your way faster than a resume that says Acting experience: singing for Aunt Helga at her dinner table, not that there is anything wrong with that but.... it's probably not gonna impress anyone but her. There are many Performing Art Studios, but if you sign your child up at one, make sure they are goal oriented so they can help your child in a positive wa

Your my Frenemy, are you kidding me?

Ladies this is for those of you who have a new friend you are close to, but might not really know. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust your friends, but always follow your instincts. If something feels off, follow your feeling and keep your eyes open, sometimes the people who you think are your friends are really... Frenemies, for those of you who have been hiding under a rock that means they are not really your friend but someone who wants something from you and will act like your friend to get it. So this leads to the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but how do you know which are which, well let's rule out anyone you have known since your old teenage party days, because if they were your cohort back then and didn't steal your boyfriends or clothes, then chances are they are a true friend, on the other hand if it is a new friend that seems to quickly integrate their way into your life, wanting to either wear your clothes or taking to much i

So your child wants go to Hollywood to be a Star!

It all started with a moment when my 4 year old said to me "Mom someday I am going to be a famous actor and move to Hollywood" Well let me tell you it was like a scary horror movie, in my head I was yelling "NOOO, talk her out of it, don't go there it's gonna be BAAD" Ok so I am exaggerating a little bit, but I really was a little hesitant, I mean, I am far from a stage mom and I knew nothing about acting, Hmmm except maybe when I was a kid and I acted like I did my homework so I could play with my friends but that was a whole different kind of acting, oops and I am getting off track, sorry. I told my daughter, you are too young let's wait a while, since I figured it was a phase, sorta like Barney the dinosaur. Well it wasn't, she was very persistent, I put her in dance thinking that would keep her busy so she would forget the whole "I wanna go to Hollywood thing" Skip forward to a nine year old, and by that time she started making h

Money, Money, Money, It's a Rich Girls World

I have always worked hard, yet I never seem to have the extra money to spend, Hmmm those darn bills, I tried extra jobs, too tiring, I looked at some of those " you can earn $2,000 a day sites, but I don't really believe that, I mean really if  you could really earned that kind of money why would you have to charge $49.95 no wait $39.95, don't leave yet $29.95 you get the idea, so I started searching out legitimate ways to earn extra money, and I found this: It is FREE and it is really cool they have coupons, free things and more. Today I am going to the grocery store, ok so it's not my favorite thing to do, but I am going to print these coupons save $$ and get paid for every coupon I use, yay me. But here is where my master plan comes in, the money I save will be my extra money. But wait theres more they also have surveys you get paid

I want A makeover, well not me I mean my house.

I was looking at my patio the other day and I thought" I really would like to remodel but who would I call" I found my answer at Style my house , but the best part is I was also able to enter to win up to $10,000.00 to do my remodel. So I signed up and entered, cross your fingers for me. I have these great plans for a Summer Kitchen with a grill and outside Tiki bar, I can just picture it now, me, my pool, a margarita, and a few of my closest friends all having fun with my new Kitchen all courtesy of . So if you want to get set for some summer fun outdoors yourself, why not take a few minuets to enter to win, I won't be mad if you win instead of me, because I can always enter again for the next drawing next month. . Good Luck

Internet slooww motion or not it's your choice

     I am so tired of waiting for my internet provider to connect me to the web, if it's raining it's slow, if the have a wire down it's not available at all. So what is the solution? , I checked them out, I mean after I was finally able to get connected with my provider and I think I am going to give them a try.      I am writing a new blog series called  "So your child wants to be an actor" and I really want to have a service that is reliable, because don't you hate it when you go to submit something and you internet goes out and wham you lose everything you wrote, that's why I'm going to try .      The site says they are Satellite driven and I think that means better service don't you, I mean internet has come a long way so why stick with the old Dial up service of the past, so if you try  let me know what you think.

Save More With Groupon

So in the never ending quest to save money I found a great site, it's called groupon and best of all its free, you sign up and they send you the daily deals on food shopping and services. so check out my money saving site of the day. Here's the link to check it out: Speaking of discounts, I love a bargain, I mean who doesn't, I found out the months that are the best time to get the best deals. So here goes, this is just a basic list but if you need any of these things wait to get them: January: Electronics,Cameras,Computers,, Bicycles. February: Big Screen T.V. (Are you Ready for some Football?) I always wanted to say that but since I don't really watch it, I never had the right opening to yell it out. Ok back to my deals. March: Boats, so if you wan to buy me a yacht this would be the best month. April: Electronics & Sneakers, I really don't get why it's the best time to buy sneakers. May: Grill Supplies, so if you

Where am I and how did I get here?

Who da thunk it? Whoa I’m in California, LA, LA Land, as far West as I can go in the US. I remember coming out here on a family vacation in 2004 and thinking, help!    Get me outta here, you see, I’m a displaced New Yorker, and well, I am like a nun in a Jimmy Choo shoe store, out of place, or am I? When I was here back then, I said, it’s to smoggy, too much traffic and too far to travel to go to the nearest mall. I didn’t fit in, I mean after all anyone over the age 16 who weighs more than 100 pounds is considered a full figured girl, so I said, I will Never come back, well as the Biebs says ”Never Say Never”  I will be writing about my adventures, fun or not so much, so hang onto your Manolo's and join me as I discover a State I never thought I would end up in.   I am dedicating this to those who have followed this same path to California and wonder.... How did I get here and who are these people?

Getting rid of my junk and getting ready to buy more with my profit.

Just a quick blog for today, I found this site that I am selling the stuff I don't use anymore and it is a pretty good site, check it out and let me know what you think and what you are selling. Hold your very own online garage sale! Use TripleClicks to clean out your closets, attic, and garage. List and sell dozens or even hundreds of items and start putting cash in your pocket TODAY! Give it a try with a FREE listing:

Business Essentials

I'm thinking about starting a new business but I needed new business cards,  I googled the word business cards and wow, are there a  bunch of different sites , after checking out some of them I found a site called Vista Print, I love this site, they have totes, luggage tags and even things you can give as holiday or graduation gifts so this is my recommendation of the day: check it out for all your printing needs. So back to my new business venture, I racked my brain trying to think of a good business to do that would give me free time, but keep me busy and making money. Jewel encrusted tools, nah, something to put around your beer bottle so you don't mix it up with your friends, could be a possibility, I will think about that one. So I brainstormed with my sister and we came up with a great idea, keep your eyes open for my future posts and I will f

Send my kids to school in stylish rain gear

I remember back when I was a kid and got stuck in the rain at school. It was the worst thing ever, but normally my mom was really good about sending me to school in rain coats whenever it was supposed to rain. But then one day my dad sent me to school without a rain coat and I got drenched. I think about that every time I take my kids to school and it's raining, but it can sometimes get tough because the kids are always growing out of their clothes. I knew that it was time to find the kids some new rain gear, so I went online to look for some at a good price with !our . I did find quite a bit of stuff and I was really glad that I shopped around a lot because of course the things that were the cheapest were some of the last things that I found. While I was at it I picked up some Stylish rain gear for myself too. I found an amazing sale on rain galoshes and just couldn't resist getting a new bright green pair!

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! And more shopping News!

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! And more shopping News! So today I was thinking if I had to live my life without something what would it be, well I know what it wouldn't be..... My Leopard Print Pumps, I mean really who doesn't love this look, I know styles come and go but if these werent in style I would still wear them, so I found this great site with these pumps for sale : , Not only do they have a great Leopard Print Pump. Speaking of shoes, don't you just hate it when it rains and your shoes get wet, well I used to say I would never wear rain boots but then I saw this page http:// ladies-rain-boots  I found the cutest boots to keep my feet dry in case I want to run through puddles to bring out my inner child, they have so many to choose from I might even get two. When you get yours let me know which ones you chose. Now to my next favorite type of shoe, well ok its a boot, but you know what I mean, your looking for the perf

make it reel 2011


Do you ever think?

I guess I should leave this as a rhetorical question, because many people do not really think before they do something that may have adverse consequences to others, I mean really where were these people brought up? I have always wondered why some people think they can do whatever they want and not think that someday this will all catch up to them, and then what? I will say it does take a lot of nerve to lie and cheat your way through life and not think you will get caught. True there are many out there who have not gotten caught, but when you look at them they are usually the crazy ones that are on the side of the street talking to themselves and wondering why they have an invisible friend instead of a real one. Now to the nitty gritty, I mean I am not here to judge you, I am not wearing a white collar, for me that would be a fashion faux pas, but you will get caught, so if you are going to something stupid and know you are going to get caught make sure it is worth it.